Have you ever gone for a walk just as the morning birds are beginning their song and the sun is but a promise on the horizon? Depending on where you live, this may not be the ideal scenario for you, but for some, a walk first thing in the morning is just what the doctor ordered. We spend so much time rushing around, there’s laundry, dishes, meal planning, kids, cleaning, animals, work and a dozen other things vying for our attention from the moment we start our day to the moment we go to bed at night.
Typically, by night time, I’m exhausted and ready to just shut off. But first thing in the morning, that’s my time. I love the morning. I love getting up and diving into the day. I think best first thing in the morning, my energy levels are higher and frankly, the weight of the day is still a couple of hours away at least. That’s why I love walking in the morning.
A Great Way To Start the Day
I walk every morning. I either use my treadmill and catch up on my television shows or weather permitting, I head outside. I take my dog with me because she’s great company and protection. It’s also an excuse to just enjoy the day together and she loves it. Right out the door, you are away from the day that’s waiting to start when you get back out. You are alone with yourself and your thoughts. You can listen to the song birds, smell the fresh air and enjoy the gradual dawning of the light.
Walking first thing in the morning floods your body with oxygen which wakes it up from the sleep state and provides a vital energy boost to get the day going. I drink less coffee first thing when I get up and walk in the morning and I drink more water. The water helps to rehydrate me after sleeping and helps to flush the body.
A morning walk is soothing. Where else can you just move along and listen to the thoughts in your head? It’s not about cataloging the list of things you have to do. Medically, the morning walk relieves any gas buildup from the previous night, loosens up the muscles and so much more. Too often, once our day gets started, we can’t achieve this sense of peace and purpose because we’re too busy or there are too many things going on.
But morning?
We can do it in the morning.
What do you do first thing in the morning?