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The Benefits of Being in the Same Spiritual Boat (Or Not)

In Marriage and Spiritual Quests I wrote about how once upon a time I set out in search of spirituality. And found it.

But Wayne was concerned I’d make him adopt whatever way I decided upon too.

While there is much to be said for sharing the same faith as your spouse, there is also much to be said for not sharing one too. Wayne and I have experienced both realms.

Neither Wayne nor I can claim a denomination. Just as my parents were raised Catholic and that’s the first church I was ever introduced to (just not formally), Wayne’s family was also Catholic. Yet, like me, he never went through First Communion or attended services regularly. (Also like me, it was some rare event, above and beyond yet much less revered than Christmas or Easter that found us going to church. Like a wedding. Or maybe a funeral.)

When Wayne and I first started dating, my dad had already gravitated back to the church. Sometimes he’d make me go, and sometimes Wayne would come too. Which I loved because when everyone went up to get their wafer I felt uncomfortable and extremely conspicuous staying behind. But Wayne was in the same boat as me and would also have to stay behind. It was nice not to be alone.

But then I went on my spiritual quest and found what I consider my cherished gospels: the Simple Abundance teachings of Sarah Ban Breathnach. (Wayne Dyer and Anne Morrow Lindbergh have since been added to this list.)

But Sarah Ban Breathnach was the first one to write about applying spiritual principles to everyday life in a way that made complete sense to me. It felt right. And when I started living by the six tenets of Gratitude, Simplicity, Order, Harmony, Beauty, and Joy, my life changed in revolutionary ways.

So revolutionary Wayne couldn’t help but notice. And to some extent be influenced by it all. Even though he didn’t really want to be. Yet he couldn’t deny the beneficial changes in me –and, as a by-product, our relationship.

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