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The Benefits of Fish Oil

I have been taking fish oil for several months now. There are a few health benefits to fish oil that you may not be aware of. One of the main reasons that I began taking fish oil is because of concerns with my heart. I have a mild case of tricuspid regurgitation, which means that when my right ventricle contracts some of the blood that pumps through leaks back into the tricuspid valve. From what I have been told it is so mild there is no real concern.

I have never been completely sold on that. Any possibility of a heart issue raises concern for me so after a lot of research, I decided to try taking fish oil because it helps the heart and cardiovascular system. It can help keep your blood pressure normalized and reduce the chances of heart disease. One of the specific functions it has is to help reduce the hardening of the arteries. That’s a good thing.

In addition, fish oil can help to lower your cholesterol and triglycerides, while raising your HDL’s, which basically is good cholesterol. So there are quite a few benefits with your heart and cardiovascular system.

You may not be aware that fish oil also helps to reduce pain and inflammation. It helps to keep your body’s inflammatory immune response in balance so it reduces painful symptoms for those who suffer from things such as arthritis, sinusitis, tendonitis and other things that end in “itis.”
I have also read that because of the anti-inflammatory properties found in fish oil, it can even reduce the duration, intensity and frequency of migraines or headaches. Now I went through a time when I stopped taking the fish oil. I ran out and just never made it around to picking up more. I can remember migraine headaches, which I have battled with on and off for years, came back. Now that I am back on fish oil, I have noticed that I haven’t experienced anymore migraines.

With fish oil there are also some benefits to women specifically. It can help to reduce PMS symptoms and is good to take if you are pregnant or nursing. And according to some research, fish oil can even help overcome a problem that some men have with sperm cell deficiency.

There have also been studies that show fish oil helps increase serotonin in the brain, which reduces depression and helps you sleep better at night. And recently they have made discoveries that fish oil can help you lose weight because the fatty acids in the oil cause fat cells to die.
Now of course I don’t know that all of these claims are 100% accurate. I do know that I have experienced some differences in my health since being on fish oil. It seems to me that there are a number of benefits to taking fish oil so if you suffer from any of the things that I have mentioned, you might try this supplement.

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About Stephanie Romero

Stephanie Romero is a professional blogger for Families and full-time web content writer. She is the author and instructor of an online course, "Recovery from Abuse," which is currently being used in a prison as part of a character-based program. She has been married to her husband Dan for 21 years and is the mother of two teenage children who live at home and one who is serving in the Air Force.