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The Best and Worst of 2010

While we look ahead to 2011, we should also take the time to look back on 2010 and consider some of the best and worst of the past year. Actually, anything good almost always has its downside and that is what I will be tackling in this blog.

While I am a huge fan of Wii Fit Plus, video games that incorporate exercise can become a replacement for “real” exercise. My son got the Kinect for his Xbox this Christmas and I have seen him become active again, since he is stuck inside for winter. So there are real benefits to video gaming and exercise.

However, the downside is that it can easily become a replacement. While my family enjoys playing Wii bowling, it wouldn’t hurt to actually go down to a real bowling alley and throw some real balls. The same can be said for the virtual cycling that I do. It shouldn’t replace getting on a real bicycle.

Fitness classes have become much more exciting in recent years. Now you can take classes that are both interesting and challenging. It is not the same stuff from years gone by. However, the worst part about a fitness class or getting a membership at a gym is the cost.

I also tend to question certain classes such as pole dancing. There really is a class that helps you get a good workout while you learn how to pole dance. To me there is just something creepy about doing that, especially in a class with others. But that’s just me.

DVDs can be a great fitness trend if it’s good. As I recently discovered when I purchased “Bhangra Aerobics,” that is not always the case. You have to really research before you buy so that you can separate the best from the worst.

Apps on your mobile devices are another newer trend that has a lot of benefits. These are typically inexpensive and can do anything from keeping track of your calories to mapping out your running path. The worst thing I can say about this is the cost to invest in a mobile device, like an iPhone or iPod that allows use of these apps.

While weightlifting definitely has its benefits I couldn’t help but chuckle at a recent review I read on something called “The Shake Weight.”

According to the commercial, this weight is supposed to increase your muscle activity by more than 300% in comparison to your traditional weights. That in itself doesn’t make sense. How is that even possible? You could basically use a heavy book to workout your arms. So I would say that a normal set of dumbbells will do the trick just fine.

If there is one piece of advice I can give it is to research before you buy. Let that be one of your fitness New Year’s Resolutions.

Related Articles:

Top 10 Workout Videos for 2010

How to Find Your Mojo

Top 10 Fitness Trends of 2011

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About Stephanie Romero

Stephanie Romero is a professional blogger for Families and full-time web content writer. She is the author and instructor of an online course, "Recovery from Abuse," which is currently being used in a prison as part of a character-based program. She has been married to her husband Dan for 21 years and is the mother of two teenage children who live at home and one who is serving in the Air Force.