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The Best Gifts of All

Wow! Time has never seemed to go by so quickly! Our school year is half over and we are being a new calendar year!

Merry Christmas from the education section of Families.com!

During our Christmas parties last week, many gifts were given. Some students gave gifts to other students. Some teachers gave gifts to their students. Some students gave gifts to their teachers.

Teachers were opening cards, Christmas tree ornaments, candles, baked goodies, boxes of candies, and gift cards in classrooms all across the nation.

However, when I think of school and education and Christmas gift giving, I cannot think of anything except the gifts that are exchanged all throughout the year.

The greatest gift exchange among teachers and students takes place far more than just at Christmas time. The best gift that a teacher can give a child is knowledge, love, and attention.

While most children do not realize the precious gift that they are getting at the time, they will come to cherish it in the future. When a teacher takes the time to listen to a child’s story, help a child master a difficult concept, or to praise a student for a job well done, that teacher is giving the child one of the best gifts of all times.

In return, the greatest gift that a student can give to a teacher is the spark of excitement in learning. Teachers can only teach children. The child must be active in the process of learning. Therefore when it is evident that a child has mastered and learned a new concept, the teacher is receiving a wonderful gift of accomplishment. At that moment, he or she knows that he or she has given that child something that will last a lifetime. He or she has instilled in that child something that may change the future forever.

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Christmas Vacation Tag

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