October was a busy month here at the Baby blog and we enjoy bringing you the articles and stories that we do. I wanted to post this a few days ago, but I have been pretty buried offline and in other areas, so I apologize for the delay in bringing you are best of October here in the baby blog. A handful of articles were given to a panel of voters and part of the delay was that we had a tie, so I cast the deciding vote.
The best of October this month is a three part series brought to us by Valorie Delp titled The Inner Workings of Your Baby’s Mind. In Part 1, Valorie described an article on research that she read describing various studies into how a baby’s brain works. Apparently researchers were startled to discover that there really is a jealous reaction a baby can have to see his or her mother showering love and affection on another child or even a toy.
There is more to the research than just studying jealousy. Despite the fact that babies seem to be simple creatures that cry when they have a want or a need that we must fulfill as parents, they are complex creatures capable of complex emotions and complex reactions.
The researchers are studying their brain activity and the responses they have to different stimuli including the development of social skill sets even before they are a year old. The three articles cover a range of material and are extremely well presented. They are a must-read for every parent out there and I am delighted to name:
The Inner Workings of Your Baby’s Mind Part I, Part II and Part III as the Best of October here in the baby blog! Be sure to check out our November articles and don’t hesitate to let me know when your favorites when it comes to naming the best of November!
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