You can save yourself a lot of extra work, not to mention extend the life of your clothing when you store it the right way in your home. Here are the tips that you need in order to do just that.
Let us start with dry cleaning. If you have items dry cleaned, please take them out of the plastic bag as soon as you get home. The plastic can trap fumes that can breakdown your fabric or cause it to yellow.
Button down shirts should be hung, not folded. Button the top button at least, to prevent the shirts from falling off of the hangers. Better yet, button the top, middle and bottom buttons of the shirts. This will prevent stretching and preserve your shirts.
Dresses and suits should also be hung, but you’ll have to be a little more particular about the type of hanger that you use. Look for thick, wide hangers. Specialized suit hangers actually prevent the shoulders from being stretched out and help you suits and dresses retain their natural shapes.
Skirts will do best on skirt hangers. They clip on to the waist of the skirt and prevent any folds which can alter the shape of the skirt. If your skirts are unlined, then they can be stored in a drawer. Don’t fold them, however. Instead, roll your unlined skirts.
While storage space usually keeps us hanging pants folded over on a pants hanger, this isn’t the best way to store them. If you can, hang the pants by the cuffs to keep them wrinkle free and aired out. If you have to hang them the way we do, look for thick or padded hangers which will prevent that tell tale hanging crease at the knee.
Sweaters and other knits shouldn’t be hung, if you can prevent it. They are prone to stretch out of shape. Folding all kinds of knits will keep them wearing well. Use a drawer, a closet shelf or even a sweater organizer that can be hung in your closet.