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The Birth of my Second Child-It’s a Boy!!, Part 1

If you didn’t get to check out my articles on the Birth of my Firstborn, please do. I had a very different experience with my second. All I have to say is: Epidural.

I was a week away from my due date. I had a two and a half year old that I was chasing around, and I was tired. Tired of being pregnant that’s for sure. About midnight on a Friday, I woke up to a contraction. A real one. With my son, I had braxton hicks. I didn’t have that with my daughter. So, when a real contraction hit, I knew it. Plus, I already had one baby Au Natural remember? So, I knew a real contraction from a Braxton Hicks contraction.

So, it was midnight and I woke my husband up. Of course, the rest of that night we couldn’t sleep. Unfortunately, he had to work the next day. We were hoping this was his ticket out. It wasn’t. But you’ll see why in a minute. My water didn’t break this time like it had with my first pregnancy. So, we started timing the contractions. They were still about 7-10 minutes apart. After a few hours of this, we decided to call the on-call doctor. Of course it was the weekend, so I didn’t get to talk to my regular doctor that I loved. Instead, I got a doc that decided to tell me that I wasn’t in labor. What?! No, I’ve had a baby before lady, I know what contractions feel like. She told me to hang on until they were closer together or my water broke.

So, at 6 am or so, we called my husband’s boss. Since I wasn’t going into the hospital, they had him come into work anyway. He was only supposed to work a half day. Of course I was a wreck. I called my Mom and asked her to come over because although I doubted myself for a second when that Dr. told me I wasn’t in labor, I knew I was. So, I labored at home. For about 14 hours. Yikes. My husband was supposed to be home by 1 pm, but he wasn’t. Eventually, the contractions got to be 4-5 minutes apart. My husband still wasn’t home. Finally, he walked in the door, and changed clothes and we left for the hospital. By this time, I was in pain!

For, The Birth of my Second Child-It’s a Boy!!, Part II go here.

Related Articles:

The Birth of My Firstborn Part II

How to Know When You Should Have Another Baby

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About Meredith

Meredith is a native Texan who is currently living in Salt Lake City, UT. She graduated from the University of Utah in 2002 with a B.A. degree in Psychology and a minor in Human Development and Family Studies. She has been married for almost 10 years and has three beautiful children who consume most of her time. However, she started blogging in 2007 and has fallen in love with the idea of becoming a writer. She started scrapbooking over 10 years ago, and has become obsessed with that as well. She also dreams of the day when someone will pay her to scrapbook for them! When she is not scrapbooking, or blogging, she loves to people watch, and analyze what makes people tick. Meredith is proud to be a Mormon, and even served a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints where she fell in love with the Latin culture and learned to speak Spanish. Visit Meredith on her personal blog at www.fakingpictureperfect.wordpress.com