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The Blessing of Prayer

How wonderful to know others are praying for you! One of the great things about family and friends is they way they jump on board when I am doing something. Like this morning I was the speaker at our ladies breakfast. As of Wednesday night I had no idea want I was going to talk about. The only thing I had written was in my opinion a disaster. I was starting to panic.

At bible study I raised it as a prayer point. The next day I was still no further advanced and resolved to go and play tennis and just forget about it for a while.
Somewhere while I bashed the ball around, a few ideas started to float to the surface.

When I came home I sat down and wrote the talk and virtually polished it yesterday. Meanwhile a friend had emailed to let me know she was praying for me and to encourage me, my son had rung to say the same and to make sure I as well again. My daughter sent me a card letting me know she was praying for me. I had to smile when I read the card .

The verses she had written in the card were from Psalm 139. One of the two psalms I had chosen to include in my talk, which had to do with how well God knows us and how he has a plan for our lives.

I texted my daughter back to tell her about the seeing co-incidence with the verses.‘That is so God’ she said and I had to agree.

It was also for me, God’s confirmation that I was on the right track regarding the talk and that my prayers and those of family and friends had indeed been answered.

This morning I prayed before I went to the breakfast. After all, I had plenty of time as I was up early, unable to sleep because of nervousness about the coming talk.

Even as I spoke this morning I was conscious of the prayers of others for me. What a blessing that is! Sometimes I think we can tend to underestimate the value of being able to pray for others and//or knowing others are praying for us when we come to do things we don’t find easy.

Praying Over Tasks for the Day

Have You Considered a Prayer Covenant?

Stepping Out in Prayer

A Specific Prayer Answered