The Burmese is a unique breed as all cats are descended from one single feline. The lady in question was an attractive, walnut-brown female named Wong Mau, and a Dr. Joseph Thompson found her in Burma in 1930. He brought her to his home in San Francisco and bred her with a Siamese cat. The Cat Fanciers’ Association first recognized the breed in 1936. There was some argument arising from Siamese breeders that the Burmese were in reality poorly colored Siamese, and this dispute, although eventually resolved, caused a suspension of registration by the CFA between 1947-1953. The four colors currently recognized by the CFA are sable, champagne, blue and platinum.
This shorthaired breed of cat has extremely expressive yellow eyes and a satiny coat. They are muscular and surprisingly heavier than they appear, and they usually live long and pampered lives. Burmese voices are strong, and the animals are extremely affectionate, forming powerful emotional bonds with their owners. They also like to climb curtains and sit on doors. Easily trained, they are always curious and friendly towards strangers. They are also known to have a sense of humor and to show remarkable ingenuity when it comes to finding warm places to sleep and hide. Burmese are so devoted to their owners that they can be annoying. (If you don’t like being followed, stay away from this breed.)
Burmese cats are adorable and they love to cuddle up in bed either under the covers or on top of their favorite people. They are known to rearrange cupboards in their own special way, and the females, particularly require center stage. The males are more lay- back but just as demanding of love and attention. It is said that even people who don’t like cats are often won over by the endearing charms of this special breed of cat.
Do YOU own a Burmese cat? Please share your experiences.