It is that time of year again, when you should be trying to get that perfect photograph to include in your Christmas cards this year. But how do you get that great shot and what things can you do to ensure you get a better shot?
Dress Similar
Keeping all the colors uniform looks really good in a group photo and really helps the group to stand out. Try dressing everyone in black shirts and blue jeans, blue shirts and khaki pants, etc. The shirts don’t all have to be the same style, but the same shade is helpful to keep the uniform look.
Use Mother Nature
Many families enjoy trying to capture a photograph in front of the Christmas tree or the fireplace. This is a great location for a Christmas photo, but it is not necessary. Try using the great outdoors, especially in the fall months as the leaves are changing, to get a great photograph. Taking a photograph in a big open field, or near water is also a fun idea.
Placement Is Important
Try placing the adults in the back row behind the children in the front. You can do this either in a standing position, or even kneeling in the grass. If an infant or baby is present, make sure they are in the center in the very front of everyone. Ask another child to hold and support baby for you, if that is possible.
Separate Groups
Don’t just create a family shot. Have a little fun with getting mom and dad by themselves, the children in a group and by themselves, all the girls, the boys, etc. These photographs can be great to put in a photograph collage frame on your wall. You could even update it yearly or add a new one down a hallway to show the years as they go by.
Relax and Have Fun
Get comfortable, play around with different poses, take a lot of photographs and just have fun. Take some silly photographs at the start to get everyone in the mood for some picture taking. Or even promise a bunch of goofy silly poses at the end if everyone cooperates.
Nicole Humphrey writes articles for the Scrapbooking Blog, for the Frugal Blog, and for the Photography Blog. She also guest blogs on a variety of topics. You can read more of her articles by clicking here.