The church is full of hypocrites. Have you ever heard that comment? Maybe you’ve even said it or thought it yourself? There are times when I feel like a hypocrite. For example the other day I let frustration and anger get the better of me.
Afterwards I felt awful about the situation. But sadly, as is so often the case, it wasn’t something I could go back and fix. I was left replaying the situation over and over in my mind.
Then on Sunday I was up leading the singing in church. I felt like the biggest hypocrite, even more so, when people made positive, encouraging comments about my singing and the music. Like Paul I bemoaned the fact that at times I do the things I don’t want to do, Romans 7:15-24.
To make matters worse, our minister preached from Luke 12 about being the faithful and sensible steward and keeping alert for the Master’s coming and doing His Will. The admonition was ‘from everyone who has been given much shall much be requires, and to whom they have entrusted much, of him they will ask all the more,’ Luke 12:48. By this time I felt even worse. Guilt weighed heavily.
Then our minister moved on to Luke 13 and the answer presented itself of what I had to do. Like those Jesus was addressing back then, I had to repent, Luke 13:3, 5.
I don’t want to be like the fig tree, and like many including the religious leaders in Israel were at the time, not bearing fruit for God. There and then I confessed my sins to God and received the blessing of his forgiveness. Then the only thing left to do was forgive myself, and not keeping on dwelling on it. Since God has forgiven me it is over – dealt with, I John 1:9.
Why am I telling you this story? Because maybe some of you have been feeling similarly- feeling hypocritical, because you said or done things you wish you hadn’t and yet call yourself a Christian. You might be feeling guilty for something you have done and not sure what you can do about it. Sometimes we can go back and apologize and try and make things right. Other times it isn’t possible.
However, we can always turn to the Lord God and know no matter how bad our sin, if we truly repent and that is the key, and want to change our ways that God forgives us. After all that is why Jesus came so we could be forgiven our sins. If there is something that is weighing heavily on you, will you take this opportunity to repent and then ask God to help you live His Way?
Bible verses from the New American Standard Version
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