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The Danger of Pigeon-Holing

Can you say you love and trust God implicitly? Or do you find at times the doubts start to creep in? You start to wonder if God really has your best interests at heart or maybe He doesn’t fully understand the situation. He does. He knows far more about who we are and what we need than we ourselves know.

While we may wonder at times whether God knows what He is doing because things aren’t working out the way we would like or expect and certainly not the we way we would do it if we were in charge, the reality is God knows better than we do. That why he says, ’’For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways” declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts,” Isaiah 55:5.

This week, I have been reminded of this again in my own life and while sharing in prayer with others who find they have one plan but God has an even better one.

As human beings, sometimes we seem to want to pigeonhole people and put them into certain categories according to what they do or how they look. When they then act in way that we think is out of character, we are surprised.

We try at times to do this God too, but God refuses to be pigeonholed. Just when we expect Him to answer one way or have decided this is the way He will act, He does something else entirely, because he sees the big picture of our lives, whereas we only see a tiny corner.

In a book I have been re-reading called Walking on Water , Reflections on Faith and Art by Madeleine L’Engle she uses a quote from Francis Bacon, ’if we begin with certainties, we will end in doubt. But if we begin with doubts and bear them patiently, we may end in certainty.’ When we have doubts, the thing do to as I did is to bring them to God and ask Him to make the way forward clear.

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