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The Day After

Valentine’s Day has been and gone here in Australia but the feeling, the romance the caring for each other needs to remain. Yes, it is great to celebrate a special day like Valentine’s Day or a wedding anniversary, but make sure you don’t let the romance and the feeling of Valentine’s Day dissipate after the day. Those little acts of showing your spouse you care need to be an everyday occurrence.

Each day ensure you find one thing at least to encourage your marriage partner about, or one thing you can do to show them you love them and that they are in your thoughts. It might be something as simple as picking up the shopping, taking them a cup of tea or coffee, packing a special lunch with a love note inside as they go off to work, or ringing to take them for a surprise lunch. It doesn’t have to be a major expense. It just needs to be something that shows your spouse they are in your thoughts. It might be a quick phone call to say, ‘I love you’ or ‘do you need me to bring anything home?’ When Mick was working he rang me every day. Someone once asked, ‘what could you possibly find to talk about?’

Funnily enough we never had any problem in that area.

Some of us may appear like we are confident and can do anything, but so often it is the person, who loves, upholds and prays for us who is responsible for ensuring we do feel l that way. They’re also the ones that get the nerves and anxiety and crabbiness before an event. That’s when we need to know we have the support of the loved one and that our spouse will make allowances, because they love us and want what is best for us. Of course that always works both ways. When they have something important we need to be their support and make allowances.

Other times it may be practical help that is required. Doing the dishes or hanging out the washing or picking up clothes from the floor, can all be ways of showing your spouse you love them.

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