Debarking is a controversial subject. The practice of removing vocal cord tissue to lower a dog’s bark volume is outlawed in some parts of the world — and raises a lot of debate among pet owners.
One misconception about debarking: the surgery does not take away the dog’s bark entirely. The dog can still bark and make noise! Debarking reduces the volume of the sound produced.
Some arguments against debarking:
- Why subject a pet to unnecessary surgery? Just like any other surgery, debarking comes with risks and complications. Is volume control worth a possible reaction to anesthesia, post-surgical infection, and other potential complications?
- With time and training, many dogs can learn to bark less frequently. If you don’t have the time to train your dog, why have a dog at all? (I do agree with this one personally — you’ve committed to the care of a living creature, and that means more than just food and shelter.)
- A debarked dog loses the ability to give warning. Yes, a debarked dog can still bark, but they lack the volume that can scare off an attacker, thief, or dangerous animal.
- A debarked dog can still bark — and can still be punished for annoying owners or neighbors. The surgery doesn’t get you silence, it gets you quieter barking.
Some arguments for debarking:
- Look at how many pets are surrendered to shelters (and possibly euthanized) for behavior issues. If debarking keeps a dog in a home, that’s a good thing.
- Some dogs don’t respond to training, correction collars, or sonic bark alarms. When you’ve done everything else, what other option is there?
- Incessant barking can cause serious issues with the neighbors. Debarking may be a good way to keep the peace AND keep your pup.
- A debarked dog is no longer being yelled at and/or punished for barking. He may be happier, or less stressed, or less fearful.
Both sides have some valid points. There’s no easy answer here! What do you think about debarking? Have you met/heard a debarked dog?