Less than 24 hours after its nationwide release, the movie “The Devil Wears Prada,” a parody of the fashion industry, starring two-time Academy Award winner, Meryl Streep as a high-powered fashion magazine editor and Anne Hathaway as her sheepish assistant, is causing quite a stir among fashionistas.
I really shouldn’t be surprised that you can already purchase “The Devil Wears Prada” movie merchandise on-line. After all, my daughter saw kids playing with toy vehicles from the movie “Cars” on a McDonald’s commercial BEFORE the film hit theaters.
So for all you movie-buffs inspired by the couture sheen of the new film, prepare to set your fashion aim on Amazon.com. Yes, it’s true—the online store has created a “Devil Wears Prada” boutique. In it you can pick up tank tops ($12.99) or T-shirts ($14.99) featuring a memorable line from the film, “I’m just one stomach flu away from my goal weight.” Other pieces range from a Necessary Objects tube sweater with a V-neck tie, $36, to a long summer gown by Vivienne Tam, $550. In between, you could pick up a Lauren by Ralph Lauren Marletta striped halter dress for $72.99, marked down from $139.
Of course, if money is no object you could also purchase the real deal, as worn by Meryl Streep in the film, at Prada stores worldwide. Personally, I don’t have enough money to pay for one of the buttons on a Prada suit, so instead I will stick to Amazon’s merchandise. They have another fabulous item from the movie I just adore: the handbag carried by Anne Hathaway’s character. For $79.95 you too could own the versatile La Rue distressed leather studded purse, designed by “Sex and the City” stylist Patricia Field. It has a fold-over design that transforms from messenger bag to clutch. Amazon notes that early shipments have already sold out, but you can reserve now and wait until August 1st for the new stock to arrive.