I wanted to use this post to clarify the adoption terms Private Adoption, Private Adoption Agency, and Public Adoption. Below is a brief overview of each. I will elaborate further on Private Adoption and Private Adoption Agencies on later posts. Please refer to Anna’s posts in regards to Public or State Adoptions.
Private Adoption
Privateadoptions.net states, “”Private adoptions” is a term synonymous with “independent adoptions.” Private adoptions are arranged without the use of an adoption agency, generally through an attorney or facilitator (where legal).” Typically in this type of adoption the family takes a proactive role in the adoption process. They may do their own advertising, set up a free phone number where birthmothers can call them, and will find their own lawyer to assist in the adoption process and finalization.
Private Adoption Agency
The term “private adoption agency” as described by privateadoptionagencies.com is “Agencies that are businesses owned and run by individuals, groups, or organizations, and they can be involved in domestic adoptions of infants and older children, and international adoptions.” They have to be licensed by the state or states that they work in. They can be a small agency or a large agency. Religious based or non-religious based. Private Adoption agencies will be the entity that will initiate the match between the birthparents and the prospective adoptive parents. They often will offer counseling to birthparents and adoptive parents. Some will get state funding to help initiate state and foster care adoption as well.
Public Adoption Agency
These agencies are state funded and primarily place children who are in Foster care. Most state’s Department of Social Services or The Department of Family and Children Services will have a unit that will help initiate and assist in this process. Some states also will have smaller agencies that get fully funded from the state that will work with couples whom want to adopt a child from Foster care or the state. They often will provide training and education to the couple as well.