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The Doctor Game

Here is a fun game that a group of older children or even adults will enjoy. You need at least a group of 5 to 6 people and there is no limit as to how many can play.

Every player sits in a circle. Then one or two people, depending upon the size of the group, are chosen to be the doctor. They must walk away out of hearing range while the rest of the players decide upon a problem that the “doctor” must figure out. The doctor figures out the problem by asking each player a question. The questions can be the same or different.

The players decide a certain way that they will answer the doctor’s questions when she comes back. Here are a few examples of problems that could be used:

  • Every answer that a player gives has to start with the same letter as their last name. My last name is McEntire, so if the doctor asked, “What is your favorite food?” I could answer, “Manicotti.”
  • Every answer has to start with the first letter of the color of shirt that they are wearing. If I was wearing a blue shirt and the doctor asked, “What is your favorite sport?” I could answer, “Bowling.”
  • Every answer has to do with the ocean. If the doctor asks “What is your favorite movie?” The player could answer, “The Little Mermaid.”
  • Every player answers the question of the player next to them. The doctor asks the first player, “What is your favorite food?” that player answers the question correctly. Then the second player is asked, “What is your favorite T.V. show?” and that player answers, “Potatoes.”

Some problems are obviously harder than others. So if you have a young doctor it is a good idea to make the problem a little easier to solve.

Once the players have decided upon a problem they call the doctor back in. The doctor starts with one person and asks a question. Then they continue around the circle asking each person a question. If a player cannot think of an answer another player can help them. The player does not have to answer the question honestly or specifically, just according to the problem given. For example if the doctor asks “Who is your favorite sibling?” and you have to answer the question with something that has to do with food, you could say, “My brother who eats a lot.” Each player tries to answer the question as best they can without revealing the answer to the problem.

When the doctor thinks he as figured out the problem he can guess what it is. If the answer is not correct then he keeps asking questions until he correctly guesses the problem. If he does guess the problem then he chooses a new doctor. The group decides on a new problem and the new doctor tries to solve it.

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About Teresa McEntire

Teresa McEntire grew up in Utah the oldest of four children. She currently lives in Kuna, Idaho, near Boise. She and her husband Gene have been married for almost ten years. She has three children Tyler, age six, Alysta, four, and Kelsey, two. She is a stay-at-home mom who loves to scrapbook, read, and of course write. Spending time with her family, including extended family, is a priority. She is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and currently works with the young women. Teresa has a degree in Elementary Education from Utah State University and taught 6th grade before her son was born. She also ran an own in-home daycare for three years. She currently writes educational materials as well as blogs for Families.com. Although her formal education consisted of a variety of child development classes she has found that nothing teaches you better than the real thing. She is constantly learning as her children grow and enjoys sharing that knowledge with her readers.