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The Dogs at the Party

If you caught yesterday’s blog about fireworks, you may remember that Moose and Lally were invited to attend a barbeque with me. I wasn’t sure if I should bring them, but in the end, since I was going to be out of the house for more than eight hours, I let the pups tag along.

Moose in his snazzy red bandanna for the Fourth of July

They’re good car riders. Moose flopped out on the back seat of my station wagon; Lally rode half the time in the passenger seat next to me and half the time in the way-back of the wagon. I was the one who had trouble — I had brought a little Tupperware along so they could have water on the ninety minute drive. I spilled the water twice before we even got out of town!

When we reached my friends’ house, I took the pups for a walk so they could stretch their legs. (In the meantime, my friends corralled their two cats upstairs.) The dogs were pretty thrilled to have so many people around, but eventually settled down while the human party-goers feasted.

Moose, of course, found the guy most likely to give handouts and parked himself there. Lally stuck pretty close to me, either under the table or next to my chair. The party hosts put out a huge bowl of water for the pups and were happy to donate a little bit of grilled chicken to their four-legged guests.

When it came time for fireworks — and for the humans to go outside to watch fireworks — the dogs got a little upset. Seems like they tried to hide in the bathroom, because some things were knocked over in there. But other than that, they did really well. Moose helped clean up dropped food and stray kitty kibbles. Lally amused everybody with her funny expressions.

And they looked ADORABLE in their festive bandanas!

Lally sporting a festive blue bandanna for the Fourth of July

On the ride home, both dogs sacked out. It was a fun day for all, and in the end, I’m glad I brought them with me. Hope you and your furry family had a great Fourth of July, too!