My new roommates just picked up a new laser pointer for playing with their cats. Let the hilarity ensue!
The two cats are pretty entertaining when the laser pointer is out. They chase the spot around the room, stare at it in horror when the red dot is on a paw, and go skittering into the bathroom (and onto the tile) at full speed in pursuit.
Since it was such fun and great exercise for the kitties, we decided to try it on my dogs Moose and Lally.
My roommate M. was in control of the laser pointer; I sat on the couch and laughed until my sides hurt. It turns out that the dogs are just as interested in the glowing red dot as the cats are!
Moose and Lally chased the dot around the living room for a good few minutes. Where the cats would take turns chasing the laser pointer, my two dogs were on the prowl at the same time.
I think my favorite moments in the adventure were both Lally-centric. One was when she backed down the hall as the glowing red spot “chased” her. She was wagging and play bowing the whole way, so I don’t think she was upset.
My other favorite moment was when Moose got too frisky and Lally made a hasty retreat to the couch with me. In fact, she climbed up BEHIND me on the couch and stood watching the action over my shoulder.
For the cats — who don’t get out of the apartment for walks like the doggies do — the laser pointer will be a fun way to get them some extra exercise and playtime. My roommates are planning to let Shiro and Kachiko chase the glowing spot every day.
For the dogs, I don’t think daily laser time is necessary. They get plenty of exercise — we take between three and five walks every day (usually four, but sometimes my schedule is too crazy). It’s fun for a treat (especially for the human audience) but I don’t know if we’ll play with the laser pointer every day.
I’m kind of surprised. I’d always thought of a laser pointer as being a cat toy — not a dog toy. But Moose and Lally were fascinated by it!