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The Downsides to Writing for a Company Blog, Part One

I just finished writing about the great benefits that come from blogging for a company but there are also some disadvantages that come from blogging for a company versus running a personal blog. Check out the following:

*You have a set amount of blogs per month or per week or even per day that you have to write. Many company blogs say “X is the least amount of blogs you can write per month, and Y is the most.” You cannot just write when you’re “in the mood” – you have signed a contract to produce and you must produce or you will be let go.

This can be a large positive though – I’ve found that I tend to be the type of person that if I don’t have a deadline to get something done, it never does get done. 😛 So my personal blog tends to get neglected, while this blog usually is updated regularly (I say “usually” because with our moving across the state, selling our house, etc, things have been a little nuts, and I haven’t been as regular as I wanted to be). However, sometimes it is a struggle to write because I have writer’s block and everything coming out is junk and I know it. I hate that feeling. 😛 It is usually a good idea to postdate blogs so that if you hit that giant brick wall one day and can’t seem to write a coherent sentence if your life depended on it, you will still have blogs posting until you can manage to get out of the slump.

*You cannot write posts for PayPerPost or ReviewMe on a company blog, so if you’re excited about doing that kind of posting, then you’re going to want to go with a personal blog. If you don’t know what PPP or ReviewMe is, don’t worry – I’ll be covering that later on, promise. 🙂

*You have a set topic you’ve got to write about, and you cannot write about anything else. If your topic is recipes but you’re incensed about the latest Paris Hilton scandal and want to write about that, too bad. Unless you can figure out a tie-in, you’d better leave that topic to the other bloggers, or write about it on your personal blog.

Read on to Part Two where I discuss the other pitfalls in working for a company – don’t miss it!

This was part of a series on blogging. If you haven’t read the other entries in this series, make sure to check out the summary page for a listing of all blogging articles. Comments and feedback are always welcome – feel free to leave them below or send me an e-mail at Hava L {at} Families dot com. Thanks for reading!