Or Why All Homeschoolers Need to Be Involved in Advocacy
People who know me, can attest to the fact that I am meticulous about my paperwork. It is never late or early–always on time. It has exactly the information I need, but nothing more. Everyone who knows me knows that if they have a question about homeschooling law in New York State, I’m the gal to go to. I have read and re-read my stuff and you know what? At the risk of sounding a little overly confident, I know what I’m doing. You can assume, therefore, that I am current with all of my paperwork for this year–despite not having heard from the district.
So I was surprised yesterday to receive a letter yesterday informing me that if I didn’t turn in my reports, I would receive. . .and this is a direct quote. . .a letter of compliance. I am thoroughly tempted to respond as follows:
Dear Sir:
I am not sending you my paperwork. Aside from the fact that I’ve already sent it three times, you are promising me a “letter of compliance” should I not turn it in. . .again. It seems like I would want that, does it not? Conversely, I am going to assume that if I turn it in, as per the language of your letter, I might receive a letter of “non-compliance”. I definitely don’t want that so I am sure you can understand why I can’t send my paperwork to you. . .again.
The Delps
Apparently those in charge at the Board of Education are not required to possess good command of the English language. (And they’re wondering why I homeschool. Seriously?)
However, after getting a good chuckle about the threatening letter of compliance I have come to a realization. Homeschoolers need to be involved in advocacy for other homeschoolers. If you live in a state with a lot of laws to comply with, you surely understand the need for better legislation.
But I fear that those who don’t have a lot to comply with are happy to go along with the status quo. After all they’re not bothering you, right?
We are not that far from seeing massive changes in legislation. Already, there have been several attempts in several states to lower compulsory attendance. Do you know what happens by the way, when new ideas are introduced? Almost always research and precedent are quoted. “So and so is doing it and so we should too.”
I have no less than seven pieces of paperwork to turn in during the year. Standardized testing is mandatory for 6 years throughout my child’s education. I am no longer allowed to do that testing either. I live in one of the few states where the statute reads that the district can actually deny my Individualized Home Instruction Plan. If you don’t feel like you have time to advocate for fellow homeschoolers, let me as you this–would you want my state being held as a precedent for your state’s educational statutes?
So again, I’ll take the opportunity afforded me here to encourage you to get involved with local home school groups and find out how you can petition state legislators and others to minimize restrictions on homeschoolers.