Studies have shown most illegal drugs to have a negative effect on the baby. The effects can vary according to the drug taken, the amount or frequency of the drug use and the time in pregnancy when the drug is taken. It’s best to refrain from all drug and alcohol use during pregnancy.
Marijuana is the most commonly used drug in America. There are no conclusive studies on the effect of marijuana on the fetus. One reason for the lack of conclusive evidence is that most mothers who smoke marijuana also tend to smoke cigarettes. This makes it difficult to separate the effect of cigarettes versus the effect of pot.
It is believed that smoking marijuana may contribute to miscarriage, preterm birth and low birth weight. Again, there is no conclusive proof that marijuana causes these effects on its own and not in combination with cigarettes. Further study is needed in this area. However, even with a lack of concrete evidence, it’s best for the health of your baby to refrain from marijuana in pregnancy.
Methamphetamines, such as Crystal Meth, are becoming an increasingly popular drug. This drug is also referred to as speed. Meth causes the heart rate of both the mother and the baby to increase. Using meth in pregnancy can cause preterm birth, placental abruption and miscarriage. In addition, babies born to mothers addicted to meth often show withdrawal symptoms after birth.
Cocaine has negative effects on the fetus at all times in pregnancy. In early pregnancy, using cocaine increases the risk of miscarriage. Later in pregnancy cocaine usage can result in placental abruption, preterm labor or still birth. The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology states that women addicted to cocaine have a 25% greater risk of complications.
There are physical signs in babies exposed to cocaine in the womb. Like with fetal alcohol syndrome, these babies tend to have small heads. They also have withdrawal symptoms at birth and developmental delays throughout childhood. The effects of cocaine exposure in the womb can be seen in learning problems when the child goes to school.
Heroin is a drug that has been making a come back in recent years. This drug is extremely addictive and babies born to heroin users will be born addicted to the drug. The withdrawal period is very difficult and painful for the baby. There is also a greater risk of the baby being exposed to HIV, if mom shares needles with other users.
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