We have often been told that the world is reaching the midnight hour when the Savior will appear once again. We are seeing the signs that have been prophesied and we know that it can’t be too far off. For some, this causes excitement and anticipation. Others are confused and scared, not knowing what to expect and feeling unprepared.
In the new release “The End of Times” by Connie Joslin, we are given a commentary on the signs and the prophecies that have been provided, in the scriptures and from the mouths of prophets. The author does a nice job of providing not just the quote, but other quotes that are related to that topic, which gives the reader a broader understanding of the issue discussed. She has drawn from news sources as well as the student manuals on the scriptures, and has pulled information from dictionaries and encyclopedias. I felt this was a well-researched volume and appreciated the extra details and resources provided.
Topics covered include information on Islamic Jihad, the proper definition of the terms “Gog” and “Magog,” the rising of the second beast, the gathering of the armies to battle at Armageddon, and where the righteous will gather for safety. Given the price of gas lately, I found myself particularly intrigued with the mention of the prophesy in Isaiah which says we will no longer have our chariots.
While the things outlined for the end times of the world are a bit scary, woven throughout the book is the reminder that the righteous need not fear. When we are aware of what’s going on around us, when we are familiar with the signs and know what we’re seeing when we see it, and we take the advice of our prophets to prepare, we don’t need to feel apprehensive. I admit, when I think about the final days of the earth, I do get a little nervous. But reading books such as “The End of Times” increases my confidence that I can be ready when the time comes and that I don’t need to be caught off-guard.
I found this book to be more understandable than other books I’ve read on the same topic. While maintaining a professional voice and imparting the information in an intelligent manner, Joslin also remained approachable, which I appreciated.
(This book was published in 2008 by Horizon.)
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