It’s not even May yet and I am already researching destinations for our family’s summer vacation. But that’s me. I’m a planner. I always have been and likely always will be. My husband, on the other hand, is not as regimented. So, it comes as no surprise that disagreements arise when we try to plan a road trip.
Actually, they can arise before and during a road trip. For example, last year we decided to caravan with my husband’s brother and his family to various nature preserves around the Midwest. My initial response was to construct a complete itinerary that included hotel reservations, recommended restaurants, maps, mileage charts, etc. My in-laws (like my husband) prefer to live spontaneously. Translation: no reservations, no timeline, no rules, no restrictions; just the open road and an open mind. Great. But, at the time I was traveling with a 10-month-old baby who thrived on a regular schedule. So there we were, two families, one that would be driven crazy with a detailed schedule and one (or at least part of one) that may go through withdrawals without one.
So what ended up happening? After countless emails, phone conversations, faxes and tears (from the baby, not me) we ended up compromising on a quasi-itinerary. I think the word “itinerary” was used just to placate me. It was more like a general outline listing interesting stops along the way. I stuck to my guns about the hotel reservations and it paid off (bad weather rolled in forcing many campers in the area to head to our hotel only to find that it was completely booked). Having hotel reservations means that you have to keep more of a schedule, but as my husband pointed out to my in-laws, reservations can always be cancelled.
In the end the compromise worked and we had a great time exploring the great outdoors as a family. We didn’t come to the table with the same approach to traveling and I know we aren’t alone. When you have disagreements about how to plan a road trip, how do you compromise? Do you find that you have mellowed with each successive road trip you’ve taken together? I may find out sooner than later… I’m thinking of asking my in-laws to join us for another summer road trip.