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The Family That Loses Things

This past weekend, one of my daughters and I went shopping and out to lunch. One of the main purposes of our shopping trip was to purchase umbrellas. Here in the Pacific Northwest, where it can be darn wet and rainy for several months of the year, an umbrella is a necessity. It’s not that we HAVEN’T owned umbrellas—it’s just that we keep losing them! Between sunglasses, hats, scarves, gloves and umbrellas, we’ve probably lost hundreds collectively as a family. It seems we are forever in search, recovery or replace mode when it comes to some of life’s basic necessities.

I would like to propose a study to isolate whatever gene or virus it is that causes the four of us to lose so many things. Those people who know us well, and love us anyway, have gotten used to returning earrings, finding purses left in their cars or on their sofas, tolerating while we search for keys or wallets. Of course, there are those people who don’t have a lot of patience for our inability to keep close track of our stuff too. (Yeah, like they’ve never lost or misplaced anything?!)

One of my daughters has probably lost her bus pass and/or purse a dozen times in the past two years. It’s become standard faire. The good thing is that she’s learned all the steps to take and just where to check and look when such an “emergency” happens. The amazing thing is that each time, they’ve been recovered. We may be absent-minded, but we sure do have good Karma!

This is one area where I can’t really get aggravated or frustrated with my kids, since I’m really the leader of the losing pack. I’ve taken to only buying cheap and inexpensive versions of things I know I’m bound to lose—those sunglasses and umbrellas, lipstick, and hair accessories. Sure, I’d love to have the spendy fashion sunglasses but with my track record, I may as well just leave the money on the bus (or on the table at the Olive Garden.)

So, we’re almost through an entire rainy week, and neither my daughter nor I have lost or misplaced our stunning new umbrellas—knock on wood—wait, did I bring the umbrella to work with me today?