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The Financially Confident Woman, Part II

A financially confident woman lives beneath her means.

* How few our real needs, how vast our imaginary ones.

* The phenomenon of credit cards has all but destroyed the importance of delayed gratification. There’s something nice about the longing and yearning that accompanies having to wait. “The desire accomplished is sweet to the soul.”–Proverbs 13:19

* The biggest reason women find themselves in financial difficulty is not because they don’t have enough money; it’s because they don’t know how to control their spending.

A financially confident woman is prepared for emergencies.

* Keep a set of jumper cables in your car. In case of a dead battery, your cables could save you the cost of an expensive service call.

* An emergency fund is mandatory to keep you financially viable during those seasons when your cash flow is cut off.

A financially confident woman knows her financial condition.

* Keep track of where your money is going.

* It’s the little things that count and when ignored will sabotage your best financial intentions. Daily recording where your money is going is the best way to keep your eye on all of those little things.

A financially confident woman gets what she pays for.
* Check the label before making any clothing purchase. “Dry clean only” is going to double or triple the effective cost of the garment.

* It’s better to pay three hundred dollars for a suit you’ll wear two hundred times than fifty dollars for a frock you’ll wear once.

* No seller has the right to your money without your full consent.

A financially confident woman has eyes for the future.

* Work on your marriage. Divorce is quite expensive.

* Three simple life insurance rules:
1. It’s not for you. It’s for the people you will leave behind.
2. Keep it simple. Clean and easy policies are the surest.
3. Be a cheapskate. Buy the lowest-cost term life insurance policy you can find.