The boys spent a good fifteen minutes exploring the different hoses on the fire truck. The tour, of sorts (for the boys anyway) was inside the fire truck. They got to see where the firemen sat on the way to a fire or emergency and were able to see some of the first aid supplies. Then came the time for the birthday boy to take his ride in the fire truck. Since there was only one other boy at the birthday party (our son) the firefighters asked if he would like to ride along with the birthday boy too! We agreed! He excitedly climbed into the big bucket seat with some help from one of the firefighters who also helped him buckle the safety belt! Once the birthday boy’s mom was aboard, with lights flashing, the fire truck started to move and very slowly drove off towards the larger parking lot (they basically drove down to a very large parking lot, around it, and back). The baby girls, the birthday boy’s dad, the uncle, and the aunt, waited by the curb sipping hot tea. When the ride was over, our son was gushing with excitement; he could hardly find the words to express how pleased he was with his fire truck ride. The birthday boy was less enthusiastic mostly because he was a little terrified by the whole experience. The boys were then invited to sound the siren. After which, they were able to discern where the sound was coming from on the truck. Oddly enough, the sirens sound from the front of the fire truck near the headlights, which was the perfect height for the boys to explore. The firemen continued the tour of some of the other things that might be needed in the case of an emergency and fire: oxygen tanks, rotary saws, several different sized ladders, and so much more. Needless to say, our son really enjoyed his cousin’s birthday party at the park and his first experience with a real life fire truck!

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