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The Five Minute Face – Carmindy

One of the most amazing parts of the show What Not to Wear is the makeup portion. The makeup artist, Carmindy, shows the women how to apply makeup skillfully and quickly. The results are often truly transforming. And now, Carmindy has a book, The 5 Minute Face: The Quick and Easy Makeup Guide for Every Woman.


In the first chapter Carmindy emphasizes skin care, and details the right cleansers and moisturizers for various types of skin. She also covers the importance of sunscreen, and how to use exfoliators and self-tanners.

Chapter Two covers how to form a perfect eyebrow shape. Chapter Three explains the different types of foundations and what skin types and tones they work best for. Chapter Four details the “five minute face”, breaking down the application into seconds, and explaining each step.
Chapter Five explains the best makeup colors for many different skin tones and colorings. Chapter Six tweaks makeup coverage even further, breaking it down to into what looks best for teens, twenties and so on through fifties.

Chapter Seven builds on that basic five minute face for special occasion looks for weddings, vacations, fancy parties, and holidays. The last chapter explains how to follow makeup trends, how to do a “smoky eye”, how to use metallic colors, and how to get a nude or retro look.

Sprinkled throughout the book are “Fast Fix” ideas on how to use makeup a little bit differently for maximum impact.

At the back, the products used for each look are listed. I particularly like that comparable budget drugstore brands are listed along with their more expensive counterparts. I do wish the book had used some more ordinary people to demonstrate the makeup. There are lots of picture in the book, and all of the women are stunningly beautiful model types.

The book is a quick read, particularly if you don’t read the sections that don’t apply to your age or skin tone. It’s a good book for those who are updating their look, or want to learn more about makeup. I know I’ll be a little less confused about products at the makeup counter.

Also See:

What Not to Wear – TV show

Forums – Makeup – to wear or not to wear?

What Not to Wear – Video Podcast