Instead of going straight from school to college or opting not to go to college but into a trade, a gap year can also be a good choice. This is where the young person goes to another country and works. It not only gives them a chance to travel and see another culture but it helps give them some idea of what they want to do before they go to college or university. It helps broaden their outlook and helps them grow up.
Some young people I know have gone to schools where they have become a teacher’s aide, or hotels or restaurants where they learned more about the hospitality industry. It is a good way of giving them a taste of another culture and lifestyle as well as trying out an area of work they may be interested in pursuing. There are a whole range of options. Although it is an added expense it can be a great experience and you might just find your son or daughter matures a lot during that twelve months.
Under the Australian scheme the young person is paid a wage and given accommodation at a reasonable cost as they work at a school or some other place so that all that has to be paid for is fares.
I assume a similar scheme works in other countries. Otherwise the young person might choose to volunteer and go to a third world country as a learning experience and broadening of horizons or go as an au pair or some other work overseas.
Many opt to go from Australia to England or somewhere in Europe because then during holiday time it is easy to backpack around the European countries. But your young person might decide to go to Canada or Africa. Young people might even be able to work in wildlife conservations projects or something else that attracts their interests.
Those I know who have availed themselves of such an opportunity have come back more mature and responsible and certainly having had a great time in the process.
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