These days who isn’t looking for ways to save money on gas? How nice it would be if we could just find a quick fix to the outrageous prices, perhaps, if someone could just invent a pill that would make the pain at the pump go away. Wouldn’t that be a dream come true? Well, hold on to your wallets folks, because believe it or not someone has actually come up with a pill that claims to save money at the pump.
It’s called an MPG-CAP. The pill’s manufacturer claims that the pill helps the fuel “burn quicker, and burn efficiently, so you get less emissions, better performance and better gas mileage.” In fact, the pill’s inventor says it can help boost gas mileage by 7 to 10 percent. But skeptics disagree.
Numerous Consumer Protection Agencies throughout the country counter the pill’s claims saying: “To date, over 100 products have been tested by the EPA and none of them have been shown to statistically improve fuel economy.”
Independent tests on the product show varying results. In one, a company kept track of the mileage in a single vehicle for several tanks of gas (the makers of the MPG-CAP say that it takes between three to six tanks for the pills to work). The car was tested in various driving conditions. Before using the gas pill, the car got 22 miles per gallon on the highway, and 18 miles on city streets. By tank number 3, the test vehicle got a little more than 30 miles per gallon driving on the highway. That’s 8 more than without the pill. In the city, the car averaged 25 miles per gallon. That’s 7 more than his original mileage.
Before you run out and purchase the gas pills for your own vehicle you should know that the product hasn’t undergone EPA testing. Although it is registered with the EPA, which basically means that while the pills shouldn’t hurt your vehicle, it doesn’t guarantee the product will work either. The Consumer Protection Agency warns: “If you’re going to spend money on a product you should have some reasonable assurance that it does what it says it does.”
You can try the pill out for yourself or simply get more information about it by visiting this website:
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