I spent the majority of my day lurking around the web, trying to find some really good info to put out on the blog. There’s sooo much info out there, I don’t even know where to begin.
I did find a super informative site called nutritiondata.com, which most of us could take a look at. While it’s got some great tips…like the secrets of weight loss… and some great information–take a look at the food category explorer which interactively explores food categories to find specific ratios of carbohydrates, fats, and protein, and their fullness factors and ratings.
BUT the greatest little tidbit of info (and something I’ve been playing with for like an hour) is its super handy “fast food section” located right on the home page. It’s got all the biggies listed, from McD’s and Hardee’s to Coldstone Creamery and In-N-Out, you name it, it’s got every single menu item listed along with their nutritional (or un-nutritional) info right there which is super handy for figuring out points, carbs, calories and whatever else need be.
Who knew a Hardee’s Big Country Breakfast Platter with Country Steak had 1150 calories, 68 g. of fat, 98 g. of carbs and 36 g. of protein????
That’s about 50 points,enough for almost 3 days!
Sounds delish!