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The Homeschooling Blog Week in Review: September 3 to September 10

As you’ve probably noticed, I’ve been an absentee blogger. Our schedule has changed for the fall and adjusting always takes some time. Nonetheless, if you’re behind in your home school reading, I have a whole bunch of great blogs for you. So grab your cup of coffee, sit down, and start reading!

September 3 Will Homeschooling Regulations Prevent Child Abuse and Neglect?

Opponents to home schooling will often to point to the few but very tragic cases where parents have kept their kids home from school in order to hide abuse that is going on in the home. Some say that increasing regulations requiring home visits is the way to help prevent abuse but I disagree. Read this article to find out more.

Do Homeschoolers Need More Regulations to Tell Them What to Teach?

Keeping with the theme of whether or not home schooling needs to be more regulated, I explore whether or not being highly regulated helps homeschoolers know what to teach.

September 6 I Hate the Concept of Behind

Do you ever feel like you’re behind if you follow the curriculum? Does your calendar say that you’re doing Tuesday’s work on Friday? If you’re feeling overwhelmed this just might be a very timely article.

September 7 What Exactly Are You Trying to Accomplish?

Do you have a philosophy of education for your home school? When new parents come to me, this is the first thing that I always suggest they do. One of my favorite sayings is that if you aim for nothing you’ll get there every time. So go figure out what it is you’re trying to do and where you want to end up so that when you’re planning the minute details of the day, you can measure them against a larger goal!

September 8 Do You Know Your Teaching Style

Learning styles is a big educational buzz word and as parents, we are often encouraged to figure out our children’s learning style. But I say it’s equally if not more important to know what your teaching style is. In what manner to do you present information most effectively?