This last year has been full of life challenges for me. I won’t bore you with my soap-opera list of everything that’s happened, but we’ll suffice it to say, it has been a year of growth, of failure and success, of advancement and backsliding, emotional upheaval, and stress. As a family, we’ve come through it with more unity and faith than at any other time in the past, but as a mother and as a teacher, I’ve been falling down on the job. Goals I’ve set didn’t get accomplished. Things I wanted to do … neah, not so much. There are days when I’ve felt like a rock star, and other days when I’ve felt like the horriblest, most slackingest mom on the planet. And days when I wonder why God allowed me to procreate, but I think that’s a blog for another day.
But as I’ve looked back on this year, I can honestly say that even on the days when I couldn’t do more than get out of bed, learning still happened. Life is learning, and as we worked together to overcome our challenges, we all learned more than we thought possible. Progress was daily. Personal growth and development, an increased ability to study on one’s own, the desire to take what was learned in a book and apply it to real life – each of these things took place, and my children are more enriched and edified and uplifted as a result.
So even if you’re going through a rough time and you feel as though your children aren’t benefitting at all by being at home with you, know that they are learning by seeing you overcome your challenges. You are strengthening your relationship with them by working together to blast through whatever you’re going through at the time. And the learning continues, whether it be sitting down with books or discussing the vicissitudes of life. As long as you keep plugging away as best you can, they will learn, they will grow, and they will thrive.
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