Show this to the men in your life if the men you know might be considering proposing or if you were considering popping the question yourself.
The Tips for the Best Proposal of Marriage
- Talk About Marriage
- Surprises Are Good
- The Ring is the Thing
- Meet with the Parents
- Choose a Personal Spot
- Go Down on One Knee
- Tell Her the Truth
- Announce it to the World
Long before marriage proposals are exchanged it’s important to talk about marriage and make sure that it is something that you both agree on and want. You should talk about issues like children and more so that you know you’re on the same page.
Now that you’ve both talked about it and you know marriage is definitely viable. Understand that as far as proposals are concerned surprises are good. You want the proposal to happen in an unexpected place and time, so that you can both truly celebrate it.
The ring is the thing and if you know she wants to pick out her own ring, then be ready to take her ring shopping afterwards. Listen to her mentioning things that she likes and check with her friends, sisters and mother. They likely have good ideas to help you out with picking out the ring.
It sounds old-fashioned and it sounds corny, but there is still something deeply respectful and romantic about a man that meets the parents and asks for their blessing before proposing. It’s very likely they already know each other and they have a relationship of some kind, so taking the future in-laws aside for a quiet confab can not only be respectful to them, but helpful to you in figuring out the best way to propose.
Choose a personal spot to propose in. If there is a particular place that has meaning for both of you, that’s usually a good idea. Be sure to go down on one knee and yes, it sounds corny, but remember these corny clichés became such because they were so romantic.

Finally, during the proposal tell her the truth about why you want to marry her. Highlight all of the qualities about her you love and you respect and you want to share. When she says yes, announce it to the world and may you both live happily ever after.