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The Importance of Cardio

Cardio is important because it helps to burn calories. Unlike weightlifting which is designed to build muscle, cardio works off those excess calories. This is why you need to implement cardio into your fitness routine if you want to shed some weight.

Cardio exercises are those kinds that get you moving. This can include running, walking, biking or dancing. Some sports such as golf, tennis or racquetball are great cardio workouts. Getting in some cardio everyday is the most beneficial to your fitness routine. If you put some variety into your cardio, you won’t become quickly bored.

The morning is the best time to do this. One reason is that for many people when they put it off toward the end of the day, there is the risk you will never get around to doing it. I realize of course, that not everyone’s schedules will allow for morning cardio but if you can, get that done right away.

The second reason morning is the best time is because it helps to raise your metabolism. This is important in weight loss because your metabolism dictates whether or not your calories are stored as fat in your body or burned off. Obviously you want to burn them off.

The final reason for doing cardio in the morning is that it really boosts your energy levels. You feel better not only physically but mentally as you have taken the time to improve your health. There is something to be said for psychological thinking.

Ideally if you workout five days a week, 30 minutes of cardio a day is good and if you workout 6 days a week, 20 minutes. The point is really to get something in each day.

If you haven’t already started a cardio routine why don’t you do that today? Come up with a schedule that works for you. Put some variety into the types of cardio that you do.

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About Stephanie Romero

Stephanie Romero is a professional blogger for Families and full-time web content writer. She is the author and instructor of an online course, "Recovery from Abuse," which is currently being used in a prison as part of a character-based program. She has been married to her husband Dan for 21 years and is the mother of two teenage children who live at home and one who is serving in the Air Force.