Numerous studies have shown how important it is to children to have quality time with their parents and siblings. From research that shows that children who have a regular family dinner time are less likely to be involved with drugs, to surveys of children that say that the one thing they really want more of is time with their parents, there is no doubt in my mind that family time is very important.
There really is no time that is too early to establish the routine of family time. You can start with eating together at a meal. If you baby has to be fed earlier than the normal family dinner time, see if there is a small snack that you can give her while the family eats.
You can also spend quality family time in other ways. Preschoolers and even toddlers love board games, so develop a family game night. Do puzzles, color in a coloring book (the whole family should be involved) or play a rousing game of Hide & Seek. Create a ritual of reading books with everyone on the couch or in bed together right before bedtime. Make after dinner time the time to work on a family project, such as a craft or an elaborate creation. Heck, you can even play a video game, as long as it fosters collaboration and working together or friendly competition.
Try new and silly things as well that might especially appeal to a young child. “Finger Painting” on the table or trays with chocolate pudding is always a hit.
What you do isn’t as important as the fact that you have a regular time to be together as a family. It is time that everyone can look forward to during the day. The ritual will also be comforting to a young child who knows that he can count on a special time to have his family around him.
How do you like to spend your family time?
Mary Ann Romans writes about everything related to saving money in the Frugal Blog, creating a home in the Home Blog, caring for little ones in the Baby Blog and now relationships in the Marriage Blog. You can read more of her articles by clicking here or subscribe to the blog using the subscription box on the right.
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