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The Internet and Judaism

In my full time job, I am on the internet close to 18 hours per day conducting research for my copywriting business. Through my searching, I stumble upon many interesting and disturbing websites.

Have you ever typed in the word Jew or Judaism and seen the search results which appear? For a person trying to look up information about the Jewish religion, they may have to really take a closer look.

Without promoting any of these websites, many of the sites which appear are
Anti-Semitic sites, claiming to give real researched information. It is quite disturbing to still encounter this type of thought process. Behavior of hating a full group due to their religion still prevails in today’s society which is hard to believe.

As I writer, I also understand every person in the US has the right to Freedom of Speech. So where does this leave me in my quest to stop the hate from flooding the internet?

Do I play the same game and attack the groups who are attacking the Jewish religion?

Many emotions occur when reading these websites but to sink to their level and build a website which is full of hate is beyond my belief.

Children follow by example; the adults and the environment in their lives. How adults speak and think is an influence on the youth. The environment I raised in taught acceptance of every person regardless of their race or religion.

The Freedom of Speech is needed in our society, but the hate of an entire religion is not.