The first time that you prepare an entire month of freezer meals, you may be surprised by the initial cost, the initial investment that it takes. There are extra costs to consider. I don’t want to discourage you from doing it, because once a month cooking can really pay off in the long run, both in time savings and eventually in the cost of food. But like anything else, there are areas of once a month cooking where you can spend more than less.
There are a number a good once a month or freezer cooking books out there that give you complete meal plans. These are great because all of the organization is done for you before hand. All that you have to do is shop and then cook. There is no real thinking involved. This is great for anyone who is new to once a month cooking or who is really short on time.
The problem is that many of these plans take advantage of processed food. The processed food can make it quicker and easier to complete the meal plan. Just keep in mind that processed food tends to cost more. These plans also don’t consider seasonal food. So, you may wind up paying more for your food depending on the time of the year if it is harder to get the ingredients.
Again, these costs may be a small price to pay, literally, for the convenience and other savings that you get from once a month cooking.
Another part of the investment of once a month cooking comes in the form of the equipment. You may need to buy a bunch of new storage containers for your meals, as well as cooking pots and other items. I suggest that you wash dishes as you go along, both to reduce the number of pots, pans, cutting boards, etc., that you will need, but also so your prepping and cooking surfaces will remain clean and available. Still, you may find yourself needing extras of certain pots, pans, stirring spoons, cutting knives, etc.
Related Articles:
Flattening Your Freezer Cooking
Incorporating Freezer Cooking into Your Life
Making Your Freezer and Crock Pot Work Together