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The Job/Employment Blog Week in Review for Feb 3 – 9

Hello, and welcome to the Week in Review for February 3 – 9. This is our way of catching you up on any blogs you may have missed in the past week! You’ll see that I spent this week showing you how to do exactly what I do: Blog! I hope these articles were informative and helpful. If you have any feedback or comments, feel free to either leave a comment below or get in touch with me! Thanks for reading!

Saturday, February 3

Open Office: Your New Best Friend covers an alternative to the Microsoft Office suite (Word, Excel, Access, etc.) If you find yourself struggling to buy such expensive products, you will definitely want to check Open Office out.

Sunday, February 4

Think You have What it Takes to Become a Families.com Blogger? starts the week-long discussion off by talking about what a blogger does, and helps you decide if blogging for Families is the right choice for you.

Monday, February 5

The Big Five: The Five Things that Will Get You Fired from Families.com talks about five mistakes you never want to make as a blogger for Families. I also covered some “blond moments” I had recently, in Leaving Work at Work: Phone Calls at Home.

Tuesday, February 6

The Positives to Blogging for Families.com: Flexibility and Freedom gives the two biggest positives for working at Families: The flexibility that comes with writing when you want, and the freedom that comes with writing about what you want!

Wednesday, February 7

Show me the Money, Honey reveals the answer to the most important question of all: Just how much are will you get paid for all this, anyway?

Thursday, February 8

The Application Itself throws some light on the actual application, and helps you through the first half of the application.

Friday, February 9

How to Make Your Sample Blogs Stand Out From the Crowd finishes that application process, guiding you through the second half of the application. Starting tomorrow, I’ll go over submitting the application, and then onto what the response e-mail from Lisa might say, what it’s like to be a junior blogger at Families and lots of other fun information.

Don’t miss it all–we’ll see you back here next week!