My little guy’s first tooth is right below the surface. I thought he was teething nearly 2 months ago! So, if you are wondering if your baby is teething, it could be that the answer is yes, but it might take a month or two to actually see results.
I can see the gums getting red and swollen. While we are definitely behind in the tooth department, it is not abnormal for my kids. Neither one of my other two had teeth until around 10 months old either. I am ready for him to get some teeth though so we can expand his diet.
This past weekend, he decided to start refusing solids. I thought maybe he was starting to get a little cold. A slight fever followed, and a runny nose. But, just as I was starting to get discouraged, I noticed that little whitening underneath his gums. Bingo. We are finally getting a tooth!
There are definitely signs that he is changing in the way he eats, too. Today, when I was trying to feed him lunch he wouldn’t take anything from a spoon. Instead, pieces of raspberries and Gerber organic puffs were the only things he wanted to eat. I take it as a sign that he wants to use his new dexterity in his fingers to pick things up, and that he also wants to actually chew something instead of just swallow something.
His sleep the night before last was rough, too. He was up every hour or so until he finally settled down at 11:30 pm. We had given him tylenol, but it just seemed that nothing could console him.
Usually, when a baby is cutting teeth, the best thing you can do is try to be patient. It is just a phase that will go as quickly as it comes. Teething is no fun for your baby, and it is no fun for you either! It is a hard stage, and unfortunately, we are just beginning a long road of teeth growing around here.