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The Kitchen Saga, Part Four


Well, today is D Day. For those non history buffs, that means Demolition Day at My House. Ok, maybe not usually, but today it does.

Today I’ll drop off my daughter at school, then head back home to meet with the contractors who will spend the day demolishing our kitchen space. Goodbye, cupboards. Goodbye, flaking and rotten counter.

I must admit that I am not at all sad to see it go. I’m a little sorry that it’s not reusable. If we could, we would reuse it in our basement as storage cabinets. However, the kitchen is so rotten that it’s pretty much done for.

Yesterday I borrowed a hot plate, so we’re feeling fairly ready for the renovation. Well, at least we’re feeling as ready as one can feel when your kitchen is in boxes in your living room. I’ve estimated that it’s going to take me double the usual time to get everything done, kitchen wise. Last night, that meant that we ate pretty late. Hopefully my timing will improve some!

We had a lot of fun earlier this week drawing on our floor. A little girl who came over to our place mentioned that she’d gone to a party once where they’d been allowed to draw on the floor in markers, since it was going to be taken out anyway. So that’s what we did. We drew on our old, cracked kitchen floor in Sharpie, writing little love notes to the old kitchen. My daughter’s been drawing on it all week. Next week, the new floor goes in, and no more drawing!

Last night I also enjoyed a bit of wanton destruction myself. Our cupboard doors fall off at random intervals, and this has been a little annoying, to say the least. Last night, I pre-demolished a couple that were just barely hanging on, taking them off their hings.

Hopefully the people who come in to our kitchen today appreciate our handiwork!

Image Credit: [hisks]