Our kitchen is sad. While the rest of our house was duly beautified when we moved in, we just didn’t have enough money to fix up the kitchen. It shows. Our kitchen has delighted us by spewing from the dishwasher the first week we moved in, having the range hood stop working the next week, and throwing various cupboard doors at us in the years after that. I vividly remember holding my baby daughter in one arm while balancing a cupboard door in the other, a door that had just come off in my hands due to dry rot.
We’ll call it the open plan kitchen for now, since half of the cupboard doors have fallen off. It’s a design scheme, ok?
Recently, we purchased a new fridge and range. The new range replaced the one that had finally decided that having one working burner was more than good enough. After a year of cooking on a single burner, I thought that an upgrade to four working burners was just peachy.
However, the new fridge and range are just part of our master plan. We’re embarking on a kitchen renovation, and I thought that I’d share some of the laughter that we’re sure to have along the way. Because one thing’s for sure: there.will.be.no.tears. Oh no, our reno will be in budget and on time, right? Hah!
Over the course of the next month or two or three, we’re going to get our kitchen installed. Yesterday, we went to our local gigantic Ikea store and finished purchasing our cabinets. I’m perusing countertops from another source, and today I’ll be looking at flooring. Hurrah!
The first area of general delight? The Ikea kitchen planner. First, we work on Macs around here. Now, I was a die-hard PC person until recently, and I understand that the world works on PCs. But goodness, that thing was hard to get into on a Mac. Ikea Planner and I spent some quality time together over the Christmas holidays, just me and him, down in the darkened basement. We were discussing cabinetry. Apparently our 1971 kitchen design is a foreign concept to the Ikea kitchen planner, since we had quite a number of fights about the error messages that it gave me when I tried to place any sort of kitchen sink into the kitchen. Apparently our kitchen was not designed to have a sink.
Anyway, after some discussion, Kitchen Planner relented and let me install a sink. It even allowed me to put in some extra cabinetry to add pantry space to our kitchen – hurray!
Now that the kitchen’s all paid for, I see that I should have contacted the installer a couple of weeks ago. Blergh. We’ll see how it goes this week, when they’ll hopefully reply to my plea to have them install our kitchen some time in the next month. Yipee!
Image Credit: [felipevex]