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The Lapbooking Series: An Introduction

I have considered for some time now, writing a series of blogs in homeschooling on the wonders of lapbooking. (If you are not sure what lapbooking is, check out his blog.) But you see, I’m a novice. My kids’ lapbooks don’t look as nice as Tammy Duby’s (from Tobin’s Lab). My twins are constantly interrupting the process, and I just haven’t quite gotten it all worked out.

Then it occurred to me that this is kind of the point of lapbooking. It’s not supposed to be perfect. It’s supposed to be done as you go, and it’s supposed to reflect the child’s, not the parent’s personality. So when my oldest daughter decided that the Greeks looked more “fashiony” and up to day with pink polka dot togas–I was fine with that.

Lapbooking is not complicated and in fact, if you make it so, your child is likely to hate the activity. As my co-op has decided this year to make lapbooks for science, I have decided to share the process with you. A sort of as-we-go-along glimpse on how to do a lapbooking for the creatively challenged. I hope that you can find something useful to use in your own home schooling endeavors through this series.

You can join us if you want while we make our lapbooks, or you can pick a topic of your own that interests your child. I find that any subject that we’ve lap booked, my children remember substantially better than if we hadn’t lap booked it at all. It causes us to write a little bit more, and it’s also an excellent way to teach proofreading skills–although I caution you strongly on insisting on a perfect product.

I hope you’ll enjoy sharing this journey with us. If you want to get started I suggest that you get some file folders, card stocks, glue sticks or clear gel glue, child scissors and we often like to use fancy papers. Look soon for another article on tips to making lapbooks.

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