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The Latest on Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, and Jennifer Aniston

Surprise, surprise, Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, and Jennifer Aniston are in the news again. Brad was roughed up Monday at the premiere of his latest film The Curious Case of Benjamin Button – by guards! As the paparazzi tried to take pics of Brad, the security guard grabbed and pushed a puzzled Brad. While it looked bad for Brad, the security guard said that he removed Brad from what could have turned into a “potentially dangerous situation.” Brad seemed to shrug the whole thing off, issuing a statement that said while the security guard was “more aggressive than usual,” it was “just another day in the life…”

Angelina spoke out about Brad and her family while at the Kung Fu Panda DVD release party. She said of her partner, “He’s the best daddy and we have fun, so whenever it gets hard we can just look at each other and find a way to laugh about and just appreciate that they’re only little once, and we should enjoy every minute.” Angelina also mentioned having more Pitt-Jolies in the future. She said the couple love the kids and have a great time with them, then added “We’ll definitely have more.”

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If you remember, Angelina caused quite a stir in an interview with the New York Times less than a month ago when she seemingly admitted that she and Brad had fallen in love while filming Mr. and Mrs. Smith.

She told the New York Times that she looked forward to the day when the couple’s children could see the movie, saying that “not a lot of people get to see a movie where their parents fell in love.” The only problem is that if they fell in love while filming the movie that means Brad was still married to Jennifer Aniston. Brad and Angelina had denied starting their affair until after Brad and Jennifer separated. Oops.

Jennifer Aniston had something to say about the relationship in her December Vogue interview. Jennifer, commenting on a Jolie Vogue interview from two years ago, said that Angelina shared details that were “a little inappropriate to discuss.” Jennifer went on to say that Angelina’s comments about how she couldn’t wait to get to work each day on the set was “really uncool.”

Still, Jennifer said that she and Brad had an amicable split. Sounds like her only beef is with Angelina!