Sunday School
The Sunday school lesson for this week centered around John 3-4. We examined various parts of the lesson throughout the week. In Spiritually Reborn, we looked at the need to not only be baptized but to be ‘born again’ of the spirit.
In Because of the Simpleness of the Way, we talked about the relative simplicity of casting our eyes – and our whole beings – on Christ, and following the paths He walked. In A Well of Living Water, we talked about Christ’s meeting with the Samaritan woman at the well, and how we, too, can draw on the well of eternal life. In Worship in Spirit and in Truth, we looked at how Heavenly Father would have us live spiritually rather than physically.
All the Rest of the Week
Since the first Sunday of the month, the subject is chosen by the Bishopric and the Relief Society or Elder’s Quorum presidency, I had absolutely no advanced notice of what we would discuss in class. Instead, I tried to supplement this week’s blogs with some other great articles, including the home and visiting teaching messages.
Monday, January 29th – In Creating A Learning-Centered Home, we looked at various ways to make our home welcoming and inviting to learning. In Family Home Evening: The Tree of Life, Miriam showed us various ways to teach our families about Lehi’s vision of the tree of life, and how that vision relates to us today. In Sunday Review: Hurt Feelings and Self-Confidence, we wrapped up last week’s discussion on not being offended by examing how feeling upset or hurt can be a sign of low self-confidence. In Dinner Discussions 2007 Week 4, we discussed various points that we learned in church, and how we can grow together as a family by discussing them. And in General Conference: “The Atonement Can Secure Your Peace and Happiness”, we reviewed Elder Richard G. Scott’s talk from the October General Conference and how studying the Atonement will help us draw closer to Christ.
Tuesday, January 30th – In Creating a Learning Atmosphere, we discussed how we as a family can encourage our children to want to learn and grow, and what we as parents can do to encourage that. In Strengthening the Less Active, we talked about what roles we can play in helping those who have fallen away from the church come back to activity. And in How Are Your New Year’s Resolutions Going?, we took a self-evaluation of how we were doing at following the resolutions we had set for 2007, and what changes we can make to improve our goal-keeping.
Wednesday, January 31st – In Creating a Reverent Home, we discussed the true definition of reverence, and how to bring that sweet spirit into our homes. And in The Mechanics of a Sacrament Talk, we looked at what actual steps we can take to give better talks at church on Sunday.
Thursday, February 1st – In Top 10 Ways You Know Your Kids Are Learning the Gospel, we took a humerous look at ways that you can know your kids are listening at family home evening and at church – even if you don’t want to.
Friday, February 2nd – In General Conference From the Past: Living Water to Quench Spiritual Thirst, we read a conference talk that drew on many of the lessons we covered in Gospel Doctrine for the week. Hopefully, this talk proved enlightening and helped you as you got ready for church on Sunday. In First Presidency Message: Inspirational Thoughts from President Hinckley, we looked at various snippets the First Presidency has prepared for members this month. We can take the opportunity to review the challenges issued and apply them to our lives.
Saturday, February 3rd – In Visiting Teaching: Strengthening Your Personal Testimony of Jesus Christ, we reviewed the February visiting teaching message, and how important a strong and viberant testimony of our Savior and His work is.
Other Weeks in Review:
The LDS Families Week In Review: January 21-27
Gospel Doctrine & Relief Society Week in Review: January 7-13