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The Let’s Talk Blog Top Ten – Reasons to Have Children Later in Life

If you are trying to conceive, you have probably come across information suggesting that women in their twenties are more apt to conceive than women who are older. This means that if you put off starting a family until after your career took off, or for any other reason, you may have a difficult time conceiving. Aside from that, there can be some major benefits to putting off starting a family until later in life.

I asked a group of wise, hip mamas of all ages to share their reasons for when they chose to start their families. Here’s my not-so scientific observation of why to start a family later:

TEN: Live it Up No kids means no strings, so you can party, travel and date to your heart’s content. Some people prefer to get this out of their system before bringing children into the equation.

NINE: Be Educated One of the most difficult things a woman can do is go to school while being a mother. A woman that can juggle the two is probably the most amazing thing I have ever seen. I will always regret not going to college before having children.

EIGHT: Start a Career A career will most likely be put on the backburner when children come along. Either one or the other will be neglected in some way. Also, you’re well on your way to retirement already and are bound to retire on time or earlier. It is wise to be sure of your finance before starting a family, as it will be doubly as hard to do so with kids in tow.

SEVEN: Find Yourself In order to raise another human being, it may be wise to know who you are first. Finding your sense of self is oftentimes considered the hallmark of the twenties.

SIX: Patience is a Virtue Time and life experience allows a woman to reach into her personal stores of patience, and this is good because raising children takes lots of it.

FIVE: Obey Your Clock If you’re internal clock says that it’s not time, then it probably isn’t. If you still have unanswered questions above life and love, it will be hard to focus your energy into being a parent.

FOUR: Follow Your Heart When all else fails, do what your heart tells you. Don’t listen to other people, your parents, or follow in your friends’ footsteps. If it’s not your in your dreams yet, then it’s probably not time.

THREE: Take it Slow When you are young, life seems fast-paced and you are willing to fly by the seat of your pants. An older mother is wise enough to slow down and enjoy their baby’s childhood before it passes them by. Appreciating your children in the moment is the Zen of parenting.

TWO: Find Mr(s). Right Divorce is an ugly thing. It tears apart at least half of American families today, so it makes sense to be sure of your partner. Sometimes, taking your time with dating, coupled with finding out who you really are can lead to a lasting and healthy relationship conducive to raising a family.

And the NUMBER ONE reason to postpone having children is:

No What-Ifs Chances are that if you waited until you had most of your to-dos checked off of your list before starting a family, you will have very few regrets in life. If you are the type of person that tends to wonder about “what ifs?”, then it may be wise live your life to the fullest before starting a new one.

Make sure to check out The Let’s Talk Blog Top Ten – Reasons to Have Children Early in Life also!

The Let’s Talk Blog Top Ten – Reasons to Have a Small Sibling Age Gap

The Let’s Talk Blog Top Ten – Reasons to Have a Large Sibling Age Gap