It’s the answer to a question that changes lives. Whether you were planning for a baby or not, when that line turned pink – the world as you knew it changes. Your test is positive. You’re pregnant. You’re going to have a baby. Is your first reaction joyous disbelief? Fear? Overwhelming anxiety? Sheer delight? Chances are, you experienced some or all of these emotions.
Faith of the Heart
Whatever your emotions were or are, you’ve got an exciting and challenging set of months ahead of you. It’s a time when you will be experiencing emotional, physical and social changes and no matter where you are coming from – for the next nine months you are going to be experiencing these changes and you will eventually watch your body morph and change.
You will gain weight. Your abdomen will expand. You will feel flutters of motion and then definitive kicking and hitting from the inside. You will crave different types of foods. You will feel nausea. You will forget what your feet looked like and the time before you had to go to the bathroom every hour on the hour.
There is no other time in your life that will compare to this time that you are about to experience. You may be here looking for reliable information or just someone who shares your thoughts and your experiences with you. While I am not pregnant right now, I do understand the desire to be pregnant and I also understand the feelings that happen when you find yourself pregnant unexpectedly.
Making Lemonade
They say when life hands you lemons, it’s better to make lemonade than to sit there and stare at the lemons. So I hope to help you over the next few weeks and months as you go through your pregnancy, your struggle to become pregnant or coping with the pregnancy you weren’t expecting. Once upon a time, a very wise woman told me that:
Carrying a baby is like running in the Olympics. Just getting there is worth more than the medal and you are on the cusp of an experience of a lifetime
We’re going to talk about some topics that are comfortable and some that are not. We’re going to talk about your options if the pregnancy was unplanned and unexpected. We’re going to talk about the fact that unplanned doesn’t mean unwanted. We’re going to talk about what to expect. You’ll find that there’s a lot of information here from Pattie and feel free to go through the archives. I’ll be linking back to articles as they mesh with topics at hands.
I look forward to your questions and I’ll look even more forward to getting you answers. So here we are – the line turned pink.
Now what?
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