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The Local Repair Company Arrived

moisture meter This all started with a puddle on the floor. It seemed that the puddle was caused by rain that had seeped through the wall. We called our homeowners insurance company, and made a claim. The insurer arranged to have a repairman come to our home. Here is how that went.

The next step in our claim was to have a local repairman come over to our home, to take a look at the wall where the water came in. Oddly enough, we have not had any more water seep through the wall since we made an insurance claim about it, despite the fact that we have been getting plenty of rain in the meantime.

The local repair company sent out two very nice workers. When my husband was on the phone with the claims adjuster, he gave us a window of time in which we should expect the repairmen to arrive. The repairmen arrived within that timeframe, which was nice. Few things are more annoying than waiting for a phone call, or a visit by a repair man, who is late.

One of the workers explained that he was sent here by the claims adjuster. We quickly discussed the puddle on the floor, (that wasn’t there anymore). He explained that they will only do what we want them to do. The plan was that they were going to use some tools to assess the damage, and to check for hidden moisture in the wall.

After that, they could recommend ways to repair whatever needed it. Ultimately, though it was up to us if we wanted them to do the work or not. Sometime tomorrow, a claims adjuster, (a different one than we originally spoke with on the phone), will come over to give his opinion of things. Together, we decided that it would be best to wait to start work until after the adjuster took a look at things.

The repair worker used a tool that was a small, handheld, device that I do not know the proper name of. He held it up to the wall by the floor, where the water came in, and then continued up the wall. The device told him that the wall was not damaged. There was only a small amount of moisture near the corner.

Next, the workers went outside and took a look at the wall out there. They scanned it, and found the same result. Not that much water was in the wall. They would not need to put a tarp over the roof after all. Now, we wait for the claims adjuster to take a look at things, and figure out what the repairs will cost. After that, we can contact the repair guys again.

Image by FloodDoctor on Flickr

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About Jen Thorpe

I have a B.S. in Education and am a former teacher and day care worker. I started working as a freelance writer in 2010 and have written for many topics here at Families.com.