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The Manager of Your Home

In my last blog I kicked off a sort of series on housekeeping that I will be doing. I laid the foundation by providing a definition of what the word housekeeping means. One of the definitions was, “the management of a house and home affairs.”

A manager’s job—in any facet—is to plan, coordinate and organize. Whether you are managing a multi-million dollar business or your home, these three components are vital.

So as we are looking ahead to a New Year, this is your chance to develop a plan on how you will tackle your home. This will depend on its current state, however. If your home is in complete disarray, your plan might be more involved and take more time to put together. If your home is in fairly good order, you might need a smaller plan.

What do I mean by a plan? It is designed to help you achieve something. So if you want to achieve a home that is free from clutter, you will develop a plan that works toward that. If you want to achieve a home that fits more with your style, you will develop a plan that works toward this.

You can develop a plan for your house as a whole or you can go through each room and develop a plan. As an example, one of my plans for this year is to fix up my youngest son’s bedroom. My plan will include how this is going to happen, which includes painting and replacing window hangings.

A manager’s job is to also coordinate. Coordinate means to bring things into proper order. Couldn’t all of our homes use a little more order? Perhaps it’s some drawers, cabinets or closets that could use this. It could even include the use of your space.

Finally, a manager is also responsible for organizing. An organized home is one that is functional. It also tends to decrease stress and provides a more comfortable environment.

So as we move forward, think of yourself as a manager of your home who is responsible for planning, coordinating and organizing. Spend some time this week developing a plan for the year 2012 and the changes you want to make in your home.

My next three blogs will focus more specifically on the planning, coordinating and organizing aspects of a home manager.

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Is Your Home Guest Ready?

Photo by raflowers in stock.xchng

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About Stephanie Romero

Stephanie Romero is a professional blogger for Families and full-time web content writer. She is the author and instructor of an online course, "Recovery from Abuse," which is currently being used in a prison as part of a character-based program. She has been married to her husband Dan for 21 years and is the mother of two teenage children who live at home and one who is serving in the Air Force.